Course Reflection

Course Reflection  

While people all over the world have different purposes for writing as well as different styles of writing, we all follow similar procedures to execute what we what to write. Whether that’s writing a poem or essay or fictional story it has become apparent that there must be a purpose for your writing and so we take that into consideration whenever we write.  I believe that for someone to write something or anything at all that they must really know what they are talking about if they want to be a creditable author or appeal to an audience. Therefore, I believe that one must first brainstorm what they are going to write about so that they can remind themselves of all the things they can say that will answer the question or get the point across. After one brainstorm the ideas we choose the biggest point to make and illustrate them as the main points of the paper and have the other information set as additional information to support the biggest ones and this is something I feel I have evolved in doing during this semester. With the use of countless sources and media I have learn to better gather information and tackle different aspects of the same topic. As I write I first start off writing things as they come to me and continue to do so until the very end because I sometimes forget what I wanted to say or how I wanted to structure it, so I get the points in then revise at the very end of it all.   


     When writing my paragraphs, I like to not have so much information into one paragraph and break them up into smaller ones, so I have the same level of content just broken up into to fragments. I feel that its more effective this way because It allows for the reader to focus on the main idea of each point made and thus the main idea of the entire paper. With this course I learned to break my ideas in to different parts because I learned that even when the topic might seem direct and formal there’s always more than one aspect of the topic you can tackle. For all my essay I try to structure them in a way so that the reader knows right off the bat who is the audience and the people I am targeting. But sometimes I write for pure entertainment and so my audience is going to be everyone who reads it. In that case I always try to make it interesting by making slight jokes throughout the essays so the reader reading laughs and goes “oh okay this is for entertaining purposes. I feel that letting know the authors purpose and audience is very important when writing something because many times the purpose is hidden thus confusing the reader and drawing them in to read long writings all confused so for the most part I like to include a lot of me even when I am not a allowed to which is something that I still have problems with in my writing. Something else i have problems since i’m really just not a good writer i have problems with vocabulary and transition words but i feel like reading sources from the library authors like i’ve done on some of my assignments have really help me get a sense of what words i wanna use and when to use them. 


      The journey of writing for me is like the life of child. We star of taking baby steps and the more and more we begin to walk we soon begin to run. This is the same for writing because no person ever written something for the first time ever and didn’t have things that could have been don’t better.  while many people might not be a fan of writing essays or writing in general something, we can agree on is similar to how the more you work the more money you’ll make, the more you write the more one’s writing improves as they write. The reason one writes may differ from person to person but if there’s one thing that’s common is that we write!